Exchange tidak dapat kirim ke Yahoo

Kejadian yang tiba-tiba. Email kantor tidak bisa kirim ke

Setelah dicari-cari penyebabnya, di test SMTP yang keluar dan Reverse DNS, kedua arsitekturnya sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan. Tetapi email masih queue di Postfix-nya.

Akhirnya setelah dicoba dan di cari, bisa ketemu di sini.

Akhirnya setelah di setting, bisa berjalan lagi.


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SQL Server Virtualization (Adv vs Disadv).

SQL Server Virtualization Advantages and Disadvantages (Part 2 of 5)

By: Scott Shaw Share

Related Tips: More


Your previous tip helped define the VM environment and discussed some of the advantages and disadvantages of virtualization. What about virtualizing SQL Server? Is this always a good idea? What are some things I need to think about?  Check out this tip to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of virtualizing SQL Server.


You will need to consider at least two paths before deciding to virtualize any of your SQL Servers. The first path is to think about why you are virtualizing your systems; consider the advantages and disadvantages a virtual environment provides. Some of these advantages and disadvantages are systemic to a specific vendor and others are systemic to virtualization. The second path is whether or not your SQL Server is capable of being virtualized; is it feasible to virtualize your SQL Server? You’ll base the decision to virtualize both on how the SQL Server is being used and the size of your SQL Server. For either one of these paths you’ll most likely need to argue against virtualization as opposed to arguing for virtualization. This is a general observation, but I’ve found that virtualization provides so many benefits outside the SQL Server environment that your company has already decided to implement the technology. I have witnessed one large company refusing to virtualize but, since their competitors are virtualizing, it won’t be long before they begin implementation.

I’m going to purposely ignore the advantages of virtualization as they pertain to the datacenter and instead focus on the advantages for the SQL Server DBA. There is some overlap, but I want to address specifically how virtualization helps you and your SQL Server environment. I won’t be able to cover everything, your mileage may vary depending on what features you implement and what vendor you use. Still, I want to provide a decent overview so let’s take a look.

Advantages of Virtualizing SQL Server

Advantage #1: Provisioning (Hot-Swapping)

By provisioning I’m referring to the capability of dynamically assigning additional resources to a VM instance. I cannot overstate the beauty of being able to add 100GB to a dying LUN without downtime and without the user even knowing its happened. You want another 3 GB of memory – no problem. The process really is a thing of beauty. It helps us DBAs focus on other things and it gives me a sense of confidence that I can provide additional resources to the instance on a moment’s notice.

Advantage #2: Resource Management

This is what virtualization was created to do and there are advantages. I’m a big recycler and I hate waste. I guess that’s why I gain weight because I always have to finish what’s on my plate. I just can’t stand throwing away food. I apply this same OCD to my servers. I can’t stand a server consistently showing 95% CPU idle time – it’s a waste of CPU. On the flip-side a physical server showing 95% CPU utilization drives me crazy when I don’t have another slot available. Virtualization frees me by allowing me to think about this less often (notice I didn’t say ever). Ballooning is the method by which VM moves around memory. Ballooning will add memory to your VM if you need it and take it away if it doesn’t (assuming you are not using lock pages in memory). vCPU’s can be ramped up or ramped down as necessary. VM is especially helpful for those once-a-year-I-demand-everything budget applications.

Advantage #3: Cloning

We recently had a request for 14 new SQL Servers (seriously!). They all ran the same application, used the same databases, and had the same configuration. The only difference was they were in different geographic locations. In the past this might have been a nightmare manual process subject to countless possible misconfigurations. Instead, in the virtual world, the VM team cloned one system 13 times. All I had to do was go to each system and update the @@servername to reflect the new name. Voila! 14 new SQL Servers to manage and, especially, license. More about that next.

Disadvantages of Virtualizing SQL Server

Disadvantage #1: Provisioning (New Servers)

Provisioning is the double-edged sword of virtualization. Since we’ve virtualized our environment, our server count has increased over 20%. We build anywhere from 4 to 10 new servers every month. We decommission some servers, but most are brand new and many still including test and development environments. Server sprawl and how to handle, manage and license the sprawl will be a serious issue going into 2011 and beyond. We do try to consolidate on a shared server when possible, but most systems don’t fit into that model. The business has little incentive to consolidate SQL Server because virtualization has already consolidated most of the environment. Virtualization consolidates all the physical server resources and drastically shrinks the footprint in the datacenter. After virtualization a company tends to lose the driving momentum to consolidate databases. Make sure you have clear SQL Server install and configuration processes in place prior to virtualization, because you’ll be doing a lot more installs. I recommend trying to use an automated install application such FineBuild.

Disadvantage #2: Division of Duties

After virtualization you are most likely going to have 5 groups managing (and learning) the virtual environment: VM Team, Storage Team, Server Team, Backup and Recovery Team and the DBA Team. This will depend on the size of your organization. A large organization will separate the normal operational server team from the VM team. The VM team is the group of folks who implemented the virtualization and they may slowly hand over duties to the operational server team, but still retain authoritative control over the environment. You will need to interface with all of them at a more intense level than in the past. In our shop the SQL DBAs have full access to all the SQL Servers and read access to vSphere and we still do not have insight into the full details of our SAN environments or what is shared on our hosts. Backup and recovery are constant struggles because many backup errors are due to problems with vMotion or our NetApp infrastructure. The point here is you’ll need to ramp up communication at the same time you ramp up virtualization.

Disadvantage #3: Performance Tuning

I’ll address this more later in the series, but how you monitor performance will change after virtualization. It becomes a bit more complicated and you’ll need to learn some new terminology. You can’t simply rely on performance monitor. In a VMWare environment you’ll need to start using vSphere or add VMWare performance counters to your performance monitor logs. This is where the deep dive comes in because in order to understand performance in a virtual environment you’ll need to understand how virtual environments manage resources.

Disadvantage #4: Licensing

Along with server sprawl comes the issue of licensing. Add on top of that the virtual environment and its time to call a shrink, and the bank. You’ll need to work out licensing with your company and Microsoft to make sure you’re compliant in a virtual environment. Basically when you run SQL Server 2008 R2 in a virtual environment you license for each virtual processor used by the virtual operating system. You do not license based on the physical processors. Keep in mind though the vCPU is considered to have the same number of cores as the pCPU. This means you cannot license a vCPU by core (for example, 2 core pCPU but only 1 licensed vCPU). This scenario changes based on the version of SQL Server you use. Let’s say you purchase the Datacenter edition of SQL Server 2008 R2. Once you license it for all of the physical processors on the host, you can run an unlimited number of SQL Server instances.

When Not to Virtualize SQL Server

Let’s start with a basic limitation in VMWare. ESX 4.1 limits the total vCPU to 8 (I believe Hyper-V limit is 4). Granted, you get a lot more bang for the buck per vCPU in a virtual environment, but I would suggest running a tool like VMWare’s Capacity Planner prior to virtualizing any heavy-hitters. I wouldn’t necessarily consider virtualizing large data warehouses, but not because of size. We successfully virtualized our 800 GB SharePoint server so size is not a problem. The primary point for virtualization is consolidation, so I tend to think if you virtualize a high octane system and it’s the only system that can run on a host than you aren’t gaining much. There is DR and HA to consider, but that’s a call unique to your business. I guarantee things will change soon. A new version of ESX is due out soon and I’m sure they’ll up the vCPU limit.

It’s also possible there may be some systems, mostly older systems, which may just not virtualize. This isn’t a SQL Server problem though. We’ve virtualized everything from SQL 7 to SQL 2008 R2. There may just be some odd applications that don’t work well in a virtual environment. We have one critical Windows cluster that would not survive the P2V. We decided to just leave it physical instead of pushing the issue. As a DBA I suggest closely monitoring the migration effort and be ready to test the system post-virtualization.

The conclusion is for most organizations there will be very few systems that you can’t virtualize. If you have your doubts, then be sure to test prior to migration or prepare an effective rollback plan.

In Conclusion

If you looked closely you’ll notice the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Still, I’m a big fan of virtualization. We can overcome all the disadvantages. The advantages are too good to pass up. As the virtual software gets better and better we’ll see larger and larger systems virtualized. As more and more companies experience successful virtualizations others will continue to make the leap. One purpose of this series is to both provide my own experiences and consolidate my research. DBA’s need to work together to make the virtualization process transparent to themselves and to others.

Next Steps

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Masalah LINK server dari 64 Bit ke 32 Bit

Jika anda membuat suatu LINK Server di SQL Server 64 Bit, dimana LINK server tersebut akan membaca server dengan 32 Bit.

Anda akan menerima error seperti berikut :

The stored procedure required to complete this operation could not be found on the server. Please contact your system administrator.
Msg 7311, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot obtain the schema rowset “DBSCHEMA_TABLES_INFO” for OLE DB provider “SQLNCLI” for linked server “<LinkedServerName>”. The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.

Untuk mengatasinya, anda login ke server 32-bit.

Kemudian cari lokasi file :  Instcat.sql, jika sudah ketemua misalnya di C:\Windows\System32, maka gunakan instruksi berikut dari command prompt.

Untuk Windows Authentication :
osql -E -S <Nama Server/IP> -i c:\windows\system32\instcat.sql

Untuk User Authentication :
osql -U <AdminLogin> -P <AdminPassword> -S <LinkedServerName> -i <Location>\instcat.sql

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CCTV Mudik

Maaf ini keluar dari topik dulu.

Bagi yang akan mudik ke daerah yang menggunakan kendaraan pribadi , mungkin perlu melihat kondisi dan memantau jalan raya yang akan dilalui.

Berikut ini adalah LINK salah satu penyedia layanan Live Streaming  :  Jakarta City View.

Atau bisa juga LINK dari Departemen Perhubungan.

Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat sampai tujuan.

by mustheri.

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Tips for Reducing SQL Server Locks

Deadlocking occurs when two user processes have locks on separate objects and each process is trying to acquire a lock on the object that the other process has. When this happens, SQL Server ends the deadlock by automatically choosing one and aborting the process, allowing the other process to continue. The aborted transaction is rolled back and an error message is sent to the user of the aborted process.

Most well-designed applications, after receiving this message, will resubmit the transaction, which most likely can now run successfully. This process, if it happens often on your server, can drag down performance. Here are some tips on how to avoid deadlocking on your SQL Server:

  • Have the application access server objects in the same order each time.
  • During transactions, don’t allow any user input. Collect it before the transaction begins.
  • Keep transactions short and within a single batch.
  • If appropriate, use as low of an isolation level as possible for the user connection running the transaction.  [6.5, 7.0, 2000]


To help identify deadlock problems, use the SQL Server Profiler’s Create Trace Wizard to run the “Identify The Cause of a Deadlock” trace. This will provide you with the raw data you need to help isolate the causes of deadlocks in your databases.  [7.0, 2000]


If you are unable to eliminate all deadlocks in your application, be sure to include program logic that will automatically resubmit a transaction after a random about of time after a deadlock appears and terminates a user transaction. It is important that there is a random waiting period because it is possible that another contending transaction could also be waiting, and you don’t want both contending transactions to wait the same amount of time and then both try to execute at the same time, causing another deadlock.  [6.5, 7.0, 2000]


Keep All Transact-SQL transactions as short as possible. This helps to reduce the number of locks (of all types), helping to speed up the overall performance of your SQL Server application. If practical, you may want to break down long transactions into groups of smaller transactions.  [6.5, 7.0, 2000]


Any conditional logic, variable assignment, and other related preliminary setup should be done outside of transactions, not inside them. Don’t ever pause a transaction to wait for user input. User input should always be done outside of a transaction.  [6.5, 7.0, 2000]


Encapsulate all transactions within stored procedures, including both the BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT TRANSACTION statements in the procedure. This provides two benefits that help to reduce blocking locks. First, it limits the client application and SQL Server to communications before and after when the transaction runs, thus forcing any messages between them to occur at a time other than when the transaction is running (reducing transaction time).  Second, It prevents the user from leaving an open transaction (holding locks open) because the stored procedure forces any transactions that it starts to complete or abort.  [6.5, 7.0, 2000]


If you have a client application that needs to “check-out” data for awhile, then perhaps update it later, or maybe not, you don’t want the records locked during the entire time the record is being viewed. Assuming “viewing” the data is much more common that “updating” the data, then one way to handle this particular circumstance is to have the application select the record (not using UPDATE, which will put a share lock on the record) and send it to the client.

If the user just “views” the record and never updates it, then nothing has to be done. But if the user decides to update the record, then the application can perform an UPDATE by adding a WHERE clause that checks to see whether the values in the current data are the same as those that were retrieved.

Similarly, you can check a timestamp column in the record, if it exists. If the data is the same, the the UPDATE can be made. If the record has changed, then the application must include code to notify the user so he or she can decide how to proceed. While this requires extra coding, it reduces locking and can increase overall application performance.  [6.5, 7.0, 2000]


Use the least restrictive transaction isolation level possible for your user connection, instead of always using the default READ COMMITTED. In order to do this without causing other problems, the nature of the transaction must be carefully analyzed as to what the effect of a different isolation will be.  [6.5, 7.0, 2000] More information from Microsoft


Using cursors can reduce concurrency. To help avoid this, use the READ_ONLY cursor option if applicable, or if you need to perform updates, try to use the OPTIMISTIC cursor option to reduce locking. Try to avoid the SCROLL_LOCKS cursor option, which can increase locking problems. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]


If your users are complaining that they have to wait for their transactions to complete, you may want to find out if object locking on the server is contributing to this problem. To do this, use the SQL Server Locks Object: Average Wait Time (ms). You can use this counter to measure the average wait time of a variety of locks, including: database, extent, Key, Page, RID, and table.

If you can identify one or more types of locks causing transaction delays, then you will want to investigate further to see if you can identify what specific transactions are causing the locking. The Profiler is the best tool for this detailed analysis. [7.0, 2000]


Use sp_who and sp_who2 (this stored procedure is not documented in the SQL Server Books Online, but offers more detail than sp_who) to identify which users may be blocking what other users. [6.5, 7.0, 2000] More info from Microsoft.


Try one or more of the following suggestions to help avoid blocking locks: 1) Use clustered indexes on heavily used tables; 2) Try to avoid Transact-SQL statements that affect large numbers of rows at once, especially the INSERT and UPDATE statements; 3) Try to have your UPDATE and DELETE statements use an index; and 4) When using nested transactions, avoid commit and rollback conflicts. [6.5, 7.0, 2000]

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Membuat Backup Jobs di SQL Server 2005

Membuat Backup Jobs di SQL Server 2005

Ini bagi DBA yang membuat Maintenance Plan untuk membackup database. Di SQL 2005 Maintenance Plan, kalau membuat suatu plan backup database ada satu pilihan yang hilang dari WIZARD pada SQL 2000 yaitu menghapus file dari hasil backup sebelumnya (Removing). Jadi kalau PLAN sudah dibuat maka file backupnya akan bertambah terus menerus setiap hari.

Tidak seperti SQL Server 2000, di SQL 2005 tidak ada pilihan Back up database task untuk menghapus file backup database yang lama (hasil backup lama). Agar dapat menghapus file backup yang lama (hasil backup sebelumnya), terdapat suatu tambahan task yaitu Maintenance Cleanup Task yang harus disisipkan dan dikonfigurasi. Drag dan drop task ini ke dalam panel desain dan double-click task tersebut untuk melakukan set properties: Berikut ini petunjuk penggunaan Maintenance Cleanup Task.

  • Connections: Biarkan dengan default Local server connection.
  • Delete files of the following types: Pilih Backup files.
  • File location: Pilih Search folder and delete files based on an extension dan sediakan Path seluruhnya pada folder backup seperti yang anda lakukan pada Back up database task (di maintenance plan).The file extension also should be the same as that used in Back up database task: bak for the database backup files or trn for the transaction log backup files (both without a leading dot). If you created a separate directory for each database in Back up database task, you can also check the Include first-level subfolders box.

  • File age: check Delete files based on the age of the file at task run time and set the Delete files older than the following option. The smallest retention period is 1 day now, no more hours and minutes as it was in SQL 2000. If you click on the View T-SQL button, you will see a new undocumented stored procedure, xp_delete_file, with the following parameters:EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file
    0, — delete files
    N’\\server02\dbbackup\sql2005′, — full path to the main directory
    N’trn’, — file extension
    N’08/08/2006 13:29:51′, — delete files created before this timestamp
    1 — Including first-level subfolders

After the properties have been specified, the Maintenance Cleanup Task properties window should look like this:

Gambar Task

Figure 3: Maintenance Cleanup Task properties window.

The Maintenance Cleanup Task should be executed only upon successful completion of the Back up database task. To ensure this, we have to link both tasks with a constraint. Click on the first task and then drag an available component output (depicted as a green arrow) to the next task. Double-click on the arrow to check and edit, if necessary, the Precedence Constraint properties:

  • Evaluation operation: Constraint.
  • Value: Success.
  • Multiple constrains: By default, it is Logical AND. In this case, it does not matter because we only have one constraint.

Now we are done with all the tasks and the design panel should look like the one shown in Figure 4:

Figure 4: Design panel example.

Task 2

Click on the Save All icon to save the plan. As a result, a new job, with the same name as the maintenance plan name, has been created and you can see both the plan and the job in the Object Explorer panel.

We can create another maintenance plan for s transaction log backup. Before we do this, let us clarify the existing maintenance plan name by changing it from Pubs_NW_backup to Pubs_NW_db_backup. Right-click on the plan icon, select the Rename option, edit the plan name, and press Enter. The corresponding job will be renamed too.

Before you create a plan for a transaction log backup, you need to verify that the target database recovery model is either Full or Bulk logged.

Creating this plan is similar to the full database backup plan creation. There are only two different parameter values for Back up database task: Backup type should be set to Transaction Log, and Backup file extension should be set to trn; also, for Maintenance Cleanup Task the File extension parameter should be set to trn. Schedule this plan to run every several hours during business hours and save it.

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Menjaga file Database tidak terganggu oleh OS yang corupt

Bagi para DBA tentu harus memperhatikan hal-hal yang terkait dengan database yang akan dideploy (Install). Selain terkait dengan kapasitas hardisk, partisi harddisk, Server dll, tentunya harus memperhatikan dimana letak penyimpanan file DB nantinya.

Kalau mengikuti standard sistem (misalnya SQL Server), maka data akan diletakkan di drive C:  di bawah program files dan folder SQL Server. Nah kalau mengikuti standard sistem (Wizard) yang ada maka strategi ini kurang bagus, karena antara proses OS dan DB-nya jadi satu.

Selain itu, jika suatu saat OS-nya corupt dsb, yang mengakibatkan sistem tidak bisa jalan atau partisi sistemnya rusak, maka file DB juga ikut rusak.

Oleh karena itu dalam melakukan installasi DB, pisahkan file DB dengan OS. Alokasikan partisi tersendiri untuk menempatkan file DB tersebut (misalnya drive E, F dst) yang terpisah dari file OS system.

Hal ini untuk menjaga file DB dari gangguan terhadap hardisk yang berisi OS yang corupt dsb. Jika harddisk partisi OS rusak maka file masih bisa diambil dari partisi lain.  Dan bisa di restore ke server baru.

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Pemilu Online

Ini baru bayangan pikiran saya, apakah mungkin pemilu dilakukan secara online? Kalau untuk dilakukan saat ini jawabannya tidak mungkin. Kenapa tidak mungkin ? Pertama, fasilitas/infrastruktur yang ada masih terbatas di kota-kota besar, kemampuan IT SDM-nya juga belum merata, Kejujuran dari setiap orang dan masih banyak lagi.

Mungkin jangan membayangkan Pemilu Nasional (yang dibuat online). Kalau misalnya kita membayangkan pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) yang lingkupnya kecil jika dibandingkan dengan pemilu nasional, mungkin akan terbayang bagaimana lingkup kecil ini bisa dilakukan secara online ?

Ya jawabannya kembali seperti di atas tadi, harus tersedia fasilitas yang memadai, kejujuran setiap orang dan kemamuam IT dari setiap orang. Selain itu juga bagaimana meyakinkan bahwa tidak akan ada manipulasi suara, karena hasilnya tidak bisa dilihat dengan mata telanjang seperti kalau dilakukan secara manual (Coblos, contreng etc). Tidak ada bukti manualnya (kertas suara yang bisa dihitung ulang dst).

Jadi ini yang perlu kejujuran dan kedewasaan berpikir setiap orang. Namun selain melihat dari masalah yang akan muncul, manfaatnya tentu juga ada dan akan membantu proses yang lebih cepat dan efisien. Proses penghitungan bisa dilakukan secara cepat karena data sudah langsung tersimpan ke database. Dan tentu saja akan mengurangi jumlah personel yang menghitung suara karena bisa dilakukan melalui aplikasi.

Ah… ini hanya bayangan saja, jika pemilu/pilkada dilakukan secara online. Mungkin masih jauh dari angan-angan.

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Unified Communications Solusi Cermat Berkomunikasi

Senin, 16 Februari 2009 | 16:02 WIB

PENGGUNAAN teknologi, khususnya teknologi informasi, membantu perusahaan berkembang secara pesat, efektif,dan efisien. Teknologi juga memungkinkan perusahaan berjalan lebih strategis.

Namun, penggunakan teknologi komunikasi seperti email, messenger, fax, voice mail, dan teleconference, secara intensif dan terus menerus dapat mengganggu arus keuangan perusahaan, terlebih di tengah krisis global yang tengah melanda banyak negara di dunia.

Memahami hal ini, muncul kemudian produk teknologi yang dinamakan Unified Communication. Teknologi ini mengintegrasikan semua perangkat teknologi di atas. Salah satunya solusi Unified Communications dari Microsoft.

Teknologi ini sendiri tercipta dengan adanya jaringan internet dan voice over internet protocol. Dengan demikian, setiap perangkat dapat berfungsi saling menggantikan. Ketika membuka email, Anda juga dapat memeriksa faksimili, pesan suara, dan panggilan telepon.

Menurut Manajer Produk Microsoft UC Novi Tandjung, penggabungan ini memungkinkan perusahaan mengganti telepon dan pesan suara tradisional dengan teknologi yang mengintegrasikan telepon dengan email kantor, kalendar, dan direktori.

“Dan yang terpenting, penggabungan antara telepon dan email akan meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan, serta mengurangi beban kerja administratif,” ujar Novi.

Dari segi keamanan, UC dilengkapi keamanan ekstra. Setiap percakapan diacak dengan teknik enkripsi, sehingga sekalipun pembicaraan tersadap, rekamannya tidak dapat diputar ulang.

Salah satu fitur UC yang populer adalah Round Table. Melalui fitur ini, Anda dapat melakukan teleconference dengan tarif internet biasa. Dengan adanya fitur ini, biaya akomodasi dan transportasi yang biasanya dianggarkan pada saat pertemuan tingkat regional dapat dihemat.

Studi Forrester di Amerika baru-baru ini terhadap perusahaan-perusahan yang mempekerjakan 4.000 karyawan dalam periode tiga tahun lebih menyatakan, perusahaan yang menggunakan UC berhasil menghemat biaya transportasi sebesar 23 persen, dan biaya telepon sebesar 40 persen.

Selain itu, UC juga dinilai dapat meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan selama 13 menit/karyawan/hari atau setara dengan US$ 20 juta per tahun. Biaya teleconference pun dapat dihemat hingga 40 persen.

Lebih lanjut, dikatakan Forrester, nilai return on investment dapat mencapai 500 persen dalam kurun waktu tiga tahun. Investasi pun dapat kembali hanya dalam dua bulan.

Di Microsoft sendiri, penggunaan UC membuat manajemen berhasil berhemat 5 juta Dollar AS. Angka ini berasal dari pengurangan hardware dan biaya perawatan.

Di Indonesia, Chief Information Officer PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia Erwin Purwadarma mengatakan, fitur Round Table telah menggantikan rapat-rapat para kepala cabang yang berasal dari enam daerah. Biaya transportasi dan akomodasi, yang sedianya dianggarkan untuk pertemuan yang berlangsung lima kali dalam setahun, telah menutup biaya investasi UC.

“Secara keseluruhan, kami dapat menghemat biaya komunikasi kami. Selain itu, karyawan kami menjadi dapat bekerja di mana saja dan kapan saja,”ujarnya.

Pada dasarnya, melakukan investasi di sektor teknologi turut membantu perusahaan dalam berinovasi. Inovasi sendiri merupakan komponen esensial dalam kesuksesan sebuah perusahaan.

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Perjalanan ke UNILA

Ini adalah foto di Kapal. Moment ini diambil saat melakukan perjalanan dari Pelabuhan Merak ke Bakaheuni Lampung. Perjalanan menuju Universitas Lampung untuk mengikuti Seminar Nasional Teknologi.

Di kapal ini ditemani 4 dosen dari Binus (Pak Wi, Pak Tri, Pak Diyur, dan Pak Harjito).


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